How to conserve your positive, feminine energy (especially when surrounded by energy vampires)
"Like attracts like", this is the rule of the Law of Attraction. And while I believe and know this to be true, I also believe "unlike" is attracted to opposite energies as well. I do not quite know why this is but I am learning to recognize the "unlike" energies so that I dont get caught up in their antics, thus allowing them to suck me dry and waste my own. Case in point: a few months back I fell out with a peer; we no longer saw eye to eye so I decided to walk away from the relationship. My ex-peer was not happy and began to say and write mean things about me. For the most part i did not respond and when mutual friends contacted me I mostly gave vague statements in reference to the spat and said I would rather move on from the relationship than stay in a space of anger, hurt or unforgiveness. The tool of avoidance worked wonders for me and helped me conserve my postitive, feminine energy during a really difficult time. In the list that folows I...