
Showing posts from November, 2017

How to conserve your positive, feminine energy (especially when surrounded by energy vampires)

"Like attracts like", this is the rule of the Law of Attraction. And while I believe and know this to be true, I also believe "unlike" is  attracted to opposite energies as well. I do not quite know why this is but I am learning to recognize the "unlike" energies so that I dont get caught up in their antics, thus allowing them to suck me dry and waste my own. Case in point:   a few months back I fell out with a peer; we no longer saw eye to eye so I decided to walk away from the relationship. My ex-peer was not happy and began to say and write mean things about me. For the most part i did not respond and when mutual friends contacted me I mostly gave vague statements in reference to the spat and said I would rather move on from the relationship than stay in a space of anger, hurt or unforgiveness. The tool of avoidance worked wonders for me and helped me conserve my postitive, feminine energy during a really difficult time.  In the list that folows I...

Tuesdays are for trying something new!

November 1, 2017 Miami, FL Yesterday I met up with a new group of ladies for breakfast; it was such a lovely experience. On Sunday my children and I visited a new church; we recently settled in Miami and are in need of a church home pronto. I am a firm believer in getting connected as soon as possible to a strong network of Godlovers as soon as I move to a new place; it not only helps my own relationship with Jesus but it’s just good to be around others who love Christ as much as I do. Small groups are the lifeline to any thriving church. It is how members are able to build relationships and stay plugged in once the Sunday sermon is done. I signed up me and my children for small groups and was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from Abby on Tuesday morning. During the call Abby told me about women’s group on Thursdays and then invited me to breakfast with her group at 10am. I immediately turned it down: “Oh no”, I said. “I have a few things to do today so I w...

Setting Boundaries

Today I want to discuss boundaries.  Are you good at setting boundaries or do you just give hugs to everyone who asks? Do you have them? How do you set them? When is it a good time to teach them to your children? Recently there was a school-related issue with my daughter and a boy at school. At first his behavior was mild towards her, even semi-cute but then he became overly aggressive.  He. would follow her around, stare at her, chase her after they got off the bus and try to touch her butt or give her hugs.  I told her to be vocal with him, to let him know his behavior was not okay. She said she did, but he just kept on doing what he wanted. I also requested that my dad or my son wait at the bus stop for her so he would have no opportunity to bother her. They did and it worked, but the boy still made her uncomfortable. One evening I decided to wait for her myself and I saw him attempt to hug her. I called her name and she and he walked toward me, I told him...