How to conserve your positive, feminine energy (especially when surrounded by energy vampires)

"Like attracts like", this is the rule of the Law of Attraction. And while I believe and know this to be true, I also believe "unlike" is  attracted to opposite energies as well. I do not quite know why this is but I am learning to recognize the "unlike" energies so that I dont get caught up in their antics, thus allowing them to suck me dry and waste my own.

Case in point:   a few months back I fell out with a peer; we no longer saw eye to eye so I decided to walk away from the relationship. My ex-peer was not happy and began to say and write mean things about me. For the most part i did not respond and when mutual friends contacted me I mostly gave vague statements in reference to the spat and said I would rather move on from the relationship than stay in a space of anger, hurt or unforgiveness. The tool of avoidance worked wonders for me and helped me conserve my postitive, feminine energy during a really difficult time.

 In the list that folows I want to offer you some tips on how to conserve, preserve, and/or even take back your positive, feminine energy when surrounded by draining individuals, negative individuals, masculine women, feminine men,  whiny children...bascially anyone who is on an "unlike" vibe. As feminine women we have to be on guard against energy vampires so that our feminine light continues to shine bright for our husbands, our children, our community and our world.

1. Avoidance. A feminine woman need not always engage when approached or surrounded by energy vampires. If negativity abounds, remove yourself from the conversation and situation, literally or figuratively. Refusing to engage allows for maximum conservation of your energy

2. Silence. Many times, Silence speaks volumes over words. If you are being attacked and you dont know what to say or how to react, silence may be be the best tactic. There is confidence in silence. There is peace in silence. There is power in silence. If the conflict or issue is with someone you love, consider writing a letter or sending a text instead, so that when your voice is finally heard you get to say less. Yes, yes I understand you want to get your point across because will your spoken words cause an argument or debate? If so, choose silence and write instead.

3. Connect with nature. In times of conflict or when I've been drained by responsibilities, I have found that a brisk walk does my heart, mind and soul very good. I breathe deeply, watch the squirrels play and absolutely enjoy the sun on my face. Maybe you're a water person? Get out and take a swim or sit by the lake and journal. Lie in the grass and count the night stars. Walk on the beach barefoot. Play with your puppy in the grass. Take an outside yoga class. Go rollerblading on the boardwalk. Play in the sand. Spruce up your garden and play in the dirt. Whatever you do, just get outside! It is something about being outside that just restores the soul. I believe that God has given us every thing we need on this earth to live our best lives. Everything we need to live, to survive, to thrive is here...on earth. So return to the earth when you need to be recharged.

4. Pray. You are not your own creator. There is one bigger, better and mightier than you. Maybe all your energy is being drained because you do not know Him? The God of the Universe? My relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ, is the only reason I am. I exist for His will and pleasure  alone. God gives me purpose to exist. Our prayers to God do not have to be long and drawn out. In dire times, a prayer as simple as "God help me" suffices. If you desire to live your best life and find your purpose, then you must turn to God. If not, all our efforts to live and to love and to thrive in this world are futile

5. Meditate. Think on a scripture verse. Think on your dreams. Visualize your future, your best self, your best life, your future children, your future husband, your future home, visualize your thriving business, your luxury vacations....and Breathe. Breathe deeply. I like to meditate while lying on the floor. I am not a pro by any means; I meditate to guided meditations I find on youtube. It works wonders for my spirit and refreshes me everytime. Meditation takes us out of the busy, stressful present of everyday life and transports us forward into the life we want. It reminds us that our present circumstances are subject to change and all that we've been asking for and stressing over is already fixed, already done, already what we want. Meditation reminds me not to worry but to wait and be of good cheer while doing so.

6. Take a hot bubble bath. Need I write more?
Except for a) lavender-scented Epsom salt is the bomb!! and b) soaking while listening to 528 hz is absolutely heavenly. You're welcome :)

7. Be honest. Be honest about your feelings: not whiny, not complain-y, not angry, not mean...but be honest. Let others know when  you're hurt, sad, upset, frightened. Please do not be afraid to be emotional. Tears are refeshing for the soul and feminine women do not hide them. Let them fall down your face as much as you want and be honest when things or people or places make you sad. Be honest when things happen that are not right. Be honest when you do not feel like it, be honest. Be honest with your children, be honest with your mate. Be honest with yourself. Be honest.

8. Exercise and stretch. There is so much going on in your life and  whether you realize it or not, it may be causing you the following:  tension, anxiety, stress, weight retention, migraines, hair loss, exhaustion, emotional eating, anger, low sex drive...and the list goes on.
Sometimes, life is an energy vampire but thank goodness for exercise...and stretching! Exercise has so many benefits and if your body is not engaged in regular exercise for at least 30 minutes daily you are doing your body and health a HUGE disservice. So get moving sister and make it a daily ritual. Mine is walking in the park every morning, rain or shine. It gives my day a giant boost and makes me feel alive. Plus it keeps my weight down and that's always a plus. Recently I discovered a youtube video on streching anf it has worked wonders for my body. Im only 34 but sometimes my bones feel 74! So stretching gives them the reset they need to make me go farther longer..and feel good while doing so. I am always a happy camper when I exercise and stretch.

9. Listen to uplifting music...and dance!

10. Breathe. Because All is well.


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