The Flight

Today after running an errand, I returned to my father's house and found a dead baby bird in his driveway.

It didn't look run over, just still and very much dead. Maybe a cat got to it? Or it froze to death in the cold? Maybe its mother neglected it?   Whatever happened, this little baby bird's flight has been permanently suspended and that's a shame.

 Don't let others interrupt your flight.

You are going somewhere amazing and great; you have plans and ideas. Don't let others interrupt your flight.

You know that where you are is not where you stay; don't let others interrupt your flight.

You refuse to get distracted and thereby settle for less: don't let others interrupt your flight,

How do "others" interrupt out flight and what exactly is this flight?

The flight is the place where your destiny lives. It is the journey that leads you to become the woman you were ALWAYS meant to be. Family and friends say you've changed, but that's an understatement. They still seek that 18 year old mindset and naive spirit in your now 38 year old body, but they won't find it.

At one point in time, they took their eyes off of you Sister Caterpillar and when they looked again, you had become a beautiful butterfly. So no dear family, that little girl you once knew is not merely changing, she has evolved and is evolving....transforming even.

In the midst of our evolutions, those around us who have known us before these "changes" become confused, even upset. They wonder, "why doesn't she act the way she used to act?" Why doesn't she say the things she used to say?" "Why doesn't she look the way she used to look?" "Why are her reactions so different?"

On and on they ask, not that they are concerned but because they are uncomfortable. Change makes many uncomfortable. And in their discomfort they may lash out at us, ignore us, gossip about us, exclude us from activities or make us feel uncomfortable when we are around.

The evolved/evolving can either accept this (mis)treatment or choose to isolate themselves from any who would try to cripple their flight.

Gossip can cripple your flight. Negativity can cripple your flight. Fear (yours or theirs) can cripple your flight. Saying instead of doing can cripple your flight. Religious dogma can cripple your flight. Seeking the approval of others can cripple your flight. Following the wrong leader can cripple your flight. Neglecting Self can cripple your flight. Lack of love and adoration can cripple your flight.

And when our flights are crippled we are just like that expired baby bird in my Daddy's driveway. Dont let others interrupt your flight. You have a dream. You have intentions. Don't get distracted by the noise of the naysayers, you already know you can do anything you put your mind to. You can be and do anything!

"They" are liars: you are NOT too old, it is NOT too late, your children are NOT too young (or too old), your bank account balance is NOT insufficient, all the good men are NOT already married.
Look at nature, abundance is all around us . Whatever you require is NOT in short supply, no matter what "they" said. "They" said it could not be done, but you my beloved sister, will show them otherwise.

I know this post is a little all over the place but I hope you get where I'm coming from. As soon as I exited my car and saw that baby bird the words for this post just came flowing out of me..i couldn't reach my tablet fast enough. The first words that came were : There will be many who seek to suspend our flights, dont let them!

They may have malicious intent, they may not. But does it really matter?! A roadblock is a roadblock; an obstacle is an obstacle. Put a 10 foot wall in the middle of a roadway, no matter how decorative it is, it will still prevent traffic from moving forward.

If God put a dream in your heart, you are responsible for bringing it to fruition. Don't let those flight-stoppers/cripplers (well-meaning or otherwise) stop you from moving ahead. Whatever they let the spirit of fear stop them from doing all those years ago when they were your age is not your fault, problem or concern.

I am done with asking folks to let me be  who I am. Today, I sweetly demand, "Let me be who I am to become!"


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