Feminine Lifestyle Quickie: Connectedness

Did you know...pets help us with connectedness?
If you have been single for some time, being connected to something or someone can be a foreign feeling. Some are even unable to connect to their children because of intense feelings of loneliness.

Women need men and men need women, this is the way God intended it. But if we exist in disconnectedness we will fail to attract our healthy other half. No, this is not a plea to buy a pet or date to feel un-lonely, but this IS a plea to take a closer look at your life to ensure connectedness becomes your first language...your native tongue. So practice it daily...give hugs, play with a pet, smile at others, hold your child's hand, say hello to strangers, make phone calls!

So when that healthy mate does come along you are affectionate and happy and open to connecting with him!


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