Shaking Up The Norm
Pretty soon holiday music will be blasting from mall speakers and someone somewhere in North Dakota will be enjoying some "chestnuts roasting on an open fire". People in Florida will still be wearing flip flops and shorts but we will all be in the Holiday Spirit nonetheless. It's the norm. Before saying goodbye to 2018 and hello to a whole lotta holiday debt may I challenge you to find ways to readjust yourself and your life so that you are transforming into a better version of YOUrself as opposed to conforming to the version of those around you? There is still time: time in the year, time in your day, time in your life. There is still time to live your best life. When me and my children left the States and relocated to Paris, everyone around me was in an uproar. I was shaking up a norm and they did not like it. There was no malicious intent in their concern, I know. But if I had given in to their protests, I would have stifled my growth and blanded my story. You see,...